
We will glorify God and adhere to Biblical values in all dealings with vendors, customers, and others.

Knowing we are not Perfect, we will encourage within ourselves and live out the values of:

Honesty – telling the truth

Integrity – doing the right thing

Modesty – Exercising self-control

Humiliation – putting others ahead of ourselves

Moderation – not living in excess

Industry – working hard – every day

Family – loving our spouses, children – respecting our elders

Frugality – Spending in moderation

If we fail, we ask for your grace. IF we succeed we give all glory to God. Please know we are attempting to do things the right way.

G. Phillips and Sons is a family business named to honor the family’s material grandfather, Gordon Phillips. Mr. Phillips never accumulated much in terms of earthly riches. However, he taught the Harding family how to know and love God, how to love and treat their spouse and how to live life to the full by finding joy in all God’s blessings.

Philip's family 1937 (1)Grandpa & Grandma Philip's  (1)